Hey there! Thanks for checking out my site! My name is Lauren and I'm 7 years old. I started my account on April 29 during quarantine. It was a last-minute quarantine burst of motivation that has now turned into something so much more. I also have to admit, I am not the best at styling clothes and I know that many other people feel the same about themselves. Usually, the number 1 issue with not expanding your closet is money. It's true, clothes are expensive.  I love buying/selling clothes whether it's to people that want to support small businesses or to people that don't quite have the money to pay full price for a unique item or both! 

Now the fun stuff...

I LOVE dogs. I have one dog named Charlie, he's a maltese/poodle mix and is the cutest thing ever! He even has an insta @urbaecharlie if you wanna see the pupper ;) I also have a bestie named Layla, she's literally the best human ever. My favorite color is blue as you can probably tell by the site haha. I love traveling as well, I've been to countless places and have been on many airplanes. I've been flying alone since I was 5! I'm also very extroverted. I could talk off your ear. I love meeting new people and trying new things because who knows what'll happen tomorrow. I could add more, jeez, I could talk about myself all day, but I'll stop here for your sake.

Thanks for reading about me, I couldn't do this without you! I love chatting with people so shoot me a DM and let's talk about life!